Now to start this week's blog, i would like to point out the confusion that happened a few days ago, about the change in Zodiac signs. Many people had been "Depressed" or affected by the sudden change in their beliefs and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the new Signs had shaken them.

Think about it, you were a Gemini you're whole life then you suddenly turned into a Taurus. An Aries that became a Pisces, the look on my Mom's and sister's faces when they saw their beloved signs changed was a little funny. Of course, they do not really believe in Zodiacs and Horoscopes and the likes. The change in signs just gave them mixed emotions and uncertainty on the things that they didn't care about until a few days ago.
>__> so why do i look un-affected? It's simple...I'm still a Leo so I'm un-affected (FUWAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA <--- Ebil Laugh).
Well anyways, since I'm exempted from all the Chaos that is caused by the change of zodiacs, I plan to continue the things that i plan to do without any worries (^O^)V
Putting that aside, i know that a lot of people are still having doubts whether they should continue believing their old zodiac signs or embrace the new ones that was presented until recently. Astronomers and Astrologers confirmed that this was "Old News". Even so, the sheer impact of this change has been phenomenal. What would you think would happen if "ET's /Extra terrestrials" went to a broadcasting network and proclaimed that they are going to build a resort here in our planet?
I can't imagine the faces that people would make and the chaos that will follow it will be catastrophic. People panic because of a lot of things and when things go out of control "They Snap!".
Personally, i still think that you should believe on what you think is right. It doesn't matter if your Zodiac changed, Just continue to be who you are and that is more than enough.
Ok back to Anime Reviews!
I've been watching the New Anime's that has started this January and it's still to early to comment whether they are good or not. I've been disappointed with some of the new releases and surprised by the others. It's a shame but i can't comment about something that is not yet finished and it's still to early to judge because "Anime's" are not a book.
So what have i been doing lately?
Reading a lot of Manga's.
Yes! I went back to reading different type of Manga's to boost my imagination. The story that i am currently writing now is going at a good pace and i think i will be able to finish it in 2-3 more months (crosses fingers). I think i will be able to finish at least 50-80 chapters before the story is finished. Oh well, as long as it's finished then that's fine with me.
I didn't like reading short stories before, but now i enjoyed reading them. I especially like those stories that made my heart "skip a beat". It's refreshing, it feels good and it's really help relax your mind after a hard day of.....doing whatever you're doing =P
What was i looking for? I am trying to capture and visualize the concept of "Cute girls do cute things in cute ways".
Well anyways, no Anime Reviews for this week but i hope you guys enjoyed reading my post.
Till next time...
Keep the Flames Burning!!
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