(I copy pasted the information about the Year of the Rabbit from another site. Just to give you a taste of the Chinese culture and see the prediction for this year).
According to Chinese tradition, the Rabbit brings a year in which you can catch your breath and calm your nerves. It is a time for negotiation. Don't try to force issues, because if you do you will ultimately fail. To gain the greatest benefits from this time, focus on home, family, security, diplomacy, and your relationships with women and children. Make it a goal to create a safe, peaceful lifestyle, so you will be able to calmly deal with any problem that may arise.
(end of copy paste)
This year is the start of my Three year plan to change myself and "accomplish" something worth doing. Of course, it's not easy to control my food urges and exercising everyday can be a pain. However, i find it important to train my state of mind because their are times when i feel like if i don't do this, i will start to waver and lose sight of what I'm striving to achieve.
Honestly, it is really hard to acquire a new skill. But, it's not impossible. I've been thinking a lot lately and i decided to tackle things one step at a time. Just like practicing on how to type using the keyboard. A few years ago, i would just use my fingers to push the button whenever i type. In short, I still don't recognize the position of the keys in the keyboard.
I think it took me 2 or 3 months to memorize the keys and be able to type at an average pace.I don't have that much free time to practice typing when i was younger, because i prefer to play games. Still, i managed to acquire the skill that is important in my line of work as of now. When you put it that way, it means that humans can do anything that they want to do, as long as they are "serious" in doing it.
Learning another language is hard work, but like i said it is not impossible. I think I understand that you can't "expect" to learn a language in just a short amount of time, if you're not serious about it. Dedication, Determination, Motivation, Passion, Belief and Perseverance, words that have different meanings but can be used to achieve the same ending.
I expected that things will be hard, but it was a lot harder than i expected. Still, i hope and pray that I will be able to accomplish the things that i started.
Ok! back to the Anime Reviews =)
There were 2 shows that I was looking forward to watch before and after the year was over. The first was the Angel Beats Ova "Stairway to Heaven" and Gundam 00 "The Awakening of TrailBlazer" (the Movie).
Ok, this is my personal opinion and I have the "right" to say what i want to say (especially because this is my blog).

When i watched Angel Beats "Stairway to Heaven" i was GREATLY disappointed. Why? I had high expectations for the Ova and to me it was a complete Rip-off. I'm not saying that it was a bad Ova, it just didn't fit the story that i have in mind. The other reason is probably because of my "interest" for Angel Beats. This show is one of my favorites and that is what made the dissapointment even greater. Sure, i missed seeing the usual characters and their crazyness. But still, a dissapointment is still a dissapointment.
Now Gundam 00 TrailBlazer was something unexpected. I think this is the first time in the History of the Gundam Generation, on which the existence of Aliens (ELS to be exact) are introduced in the story. I mean, yeah humans get to live in space and such and it is not impossible to encounter other life forms. The thing that really took my interest is how humans can work together for a common goal.

Think about it, All of humanity's greatest warriors going to battle to protect the Planet? Even for the Gundam Series this is something very unexpected. It was such a nice show and you can feel the tension for the battle of survival.
It was very refreshing and i enjoyed every bit of it. The ending was a little..."unexpected" as well. It was an "open ending" and i was like...Thats it? lol! Anyway, I still liked on how the show turned out and for a Gundam Fan like me, it was worth watching.
The New Anime's lined up for January is coming up one by one and i managed to watch the first episodes of the shows that i am looking forward to see. The first episodes of Gosick, Yumekui Merry was quite entertaining and i am looking forward in the weekly updates that is about to come. The anime series of Belzebub, Fractale, Dragon Crisis and the rest on my anime list will be released within the end of the week as well.
Till then, i bid you a great week everyone.
Keep the Flames Burning!
I didn't really like how angel beats finish, there's no real ova, no movie, no second season, I wanted to know what really happend between Kanada and Yuzuru.
Yeah, Well it is an open ending afterall and i didn't really like the Ova as well.
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