I like to read, i like to delve into someone else's imagination and picture the words they have written. Sometimes, those stories leave me hurt, angered, happy, sad and lonely but that just shows how good the story is. That is also the reason why a certain anime greatly took my interest.

The title of this anime is Bungaku Shoujo (Literature Girl. It is a story about a girl that loves stories so much that she can't help but eat them. Yes, a girl that lives on eating pages of books. I don't really know how she can survive with just pages alone, but that is what makes this story interesting.
Touko Amano is a girl that likes to snack on stories. When i meant snack, she literally eats them. Her father told her that she shouldn't eat pages of books in front of other people. He added that she should only do it in front of the person that she likes the most. Well i guess her dad has a point, if someone see's you eating a page wouldn't that make you a weird person?
Well moving on, she went to her friend's work place (I think her friend is an Editor)and found a story in the "Rejected Pile" of stories. That story made an impact on her and she insisted that it was given another chance. Surprisingly, the story made its debut and she was very happy about it. The title of the story is called Sora ni Niteiru "Similar to the Sky" and it was very popular.
Touko's acting brother Ryuuto Sakurai told her that she might have found her "writer". Although not knowing whether the author is a boy or a girl, she tried her best to know the name of the author. Her friend the Editor wasn't able to give her all the details but told her the pen name that the author use and it is "Miu Inoue".
She later found out that Miu Inoue won't be writing any more stories and she was shocked. Surprisingly, The Wheels of Fate started moving and the two of them met.
Konoha Inoue was the name of the author of the book and he was a boy. He was Touko's underclassman and he stopped writing due to a very personal reason. To know this reason, you should watch the Bungaku Shoujo Memoire(Composed of 3 Ova's presenting the Girls around Konoha Inoue.
Touko then invited him to join the literature club, on which she is the only member. Everyday after class, he writes story for her and she snacks on them.
After you finished watching the Ova's please watch the "Bungaku Shoujo Movie". It is the final installment on the Bungaku Shoujo series.

I really enjoyed watching this anime because it was simple and yet it was filling.
Some people may like it, some may not. Still, i highly recommend this to anyone that appreciates something good to watch. I hope that you'll enjoy watching it, just as much as I did.
I am now currently watching Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~ or "Sea Story: That You Were There For Me" and i think i will enjoy this show.

This is a story about Mermaids? Yes, but they're not the typical "tailed mermaids" that you're so used in watching. The story started with a ring falling under the sea and two mermaids found it. They then decided to return the ring to the surface and that is the start of something "un-expected".
I still don't know the full details of the story and i can't tell if it's good or bad at the moment. But, I think this story is great and I'll be posting my review of it by next week as well.
I'm still more On Manga's at the moment and I'm happy because i found the third sequel to the Manga i am currently reading. It has a different title and i only came to it by sheer chance. My story is also progressing well and I am very satisfied on how things turned out. Still having problems with character names and the likes, but I'm sure everything will be alright.
Till then, Keep the Flames Burning!
Bungaku Shoujo it's a really nice anime I like it, and the movie it's nice too, it's a kind of drama, in certain ways can be compared with Suzumiya Haruhi, of course Haruhi it's unique but yeah it's kind of similar.
Yeah i Agree, it is a very nice anime =)
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