Still, life doesn't end after graduation and it is just the start of entering the so called "Real World". Welcome to the society my little sister =)
For now she is sleeping happily and that is fine with me.

Now back to my Anime Reviews.
Umi Monogatari (Sea Side Story) proved to be a good example of a simple, yet very touching story. A story about the people of the sea and the sky people (people of the land/surface). As i had first said in my previous post, it all started when a ring fell into the ocean and two mermaids found it. These two mermaids are Marin and Urin. They find the ring very pretty and tried their best to find the owner of the ring, which means they have to go to the surface in search for her.
It seems that the owner of the ring is a person that constantly emits an evil aura. Her name was Miyamori, Kanon. The two were glad that they were able to find the owner of the ring and guess what happened after they returned it? Yeah...the evil girl threw it once again.
Again, these two kind hearted mermaids looked for the ring. Feeling a little guilty of what she did, Kanon decided to see if the two girls that she met are still looking for her ring. Urin, the younger mermaid found the ring under what seems to be a sarcophagus/coffin. She did everything to recover it (kicking, pushing) and broke the seal by accident. The Coffin holds an evil being that is called "Sedna". She was released from the Prison and this is where everything started.
Fate being the fickle lady that she was, brought together the two priestess from the Sea and Land. Yes, they are Marin (Sea Priestess) and Kanon (Sky Priestess).
I really liked the opening and ending song of this anime and I sometimes play it nonstop, whenever i work or is writing my story.If you're looking for something "light" to watch then Umi Monogatari will fit the picture perfectly.
The next Anime that i am going to feature today is the Black Butler anime AKA. Kuroshitsuji.

In Victorian-era Europe, a young boy called Ciel Phantomhive contracted a Demon named Michaelis, Sebastian. The reason? to exact revenge on those that took away everything from him.
For Years, the Phantomhive family has served the Queen in taking care of "cases" that requires "special attention". They are the watchdog of the kingdom and holds a very high rank even among nobles. Their family was destroyed and their mansion was burned down by a fire. Ciel after contracting the Demon Sebastian, restored the Phantomhive estate to its rightful state and dealt with the cases the Queen has issued to him.
Of course, Sebastian (the butler) doesn't serve Ciel because he wants to. In return for his "Topnotch service" he is going to eat Ciel's soul after he carried out his revenge. Sebastian is no ordinary butler, he is one Hell of a Butler and can perform almost everything. From cooking, fighting, stitching and all around housework he always do it in style.
One thing led to another and Ciel's past is revealed to him. He was able to carry out his vengeance in the end and was taken by Sebastian to be eaten. Unfortunately for our butler, it seems that something happened to Ciel's soul and he wasn't able to eat it. That story is for season 2 of Kuroshitsuji and you won't get any spoilers from me =P
I'm a little stuck on the story that i am writing at the moment and it seems that i am having a hard time in making my scenarios connect. I've been running different simulations using my imagination and still i wasn't able to get a satisfactory result. I hope that i'll be able to cross this hurdle in a day or two and be able to continue with my story.
My self learning japanese lessons is doing well and i think i almost finished memorizing "Hiragana". Still a long, long, long, way to go but I'm getting there. I just don't want to slap myself over and over for not getting the symbols right from time to time.
Still, it had been a great week. I hope that the following week will be sunny and bright and may all your "Christmases" be white. Lol, just kidding.
Till next time,
Keep the Flames Burning!