Rising from the Ashes

Hero - Super Cell

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Things that Make you Smile

Sometimes, as we go about on our day to day things we often meet people along the way who makes us remember a few things in life. My high school friends and i are very close. They often hang out here in our house from time to time when they have nothing else to do.

Yesterday, i met one of them while i was doing my usual walk routine. Russel who i had known for almost 12 years already called out to me, when he saw me pass by. Seeing him immediately made me smile and we talked for a bit as well. After our little chitchat we parted ways once again but i know that he is going to drop by, here on my house one of these days.

When you meet someone that you had been with for a time, may it be a colleague from your previous work, a friend or an acquaintance...it makes you say the phrase "Small World". It means that, no matter how big this world is...there will always be an opportunity to meet up again, somewhere along the way.

And you know what? It really feels nice, especially if that someone is quite close to you. There are people whom i really like to bump along the way for some reason and i do hope that i get that opportunity. Just to talk to them and ask them how life has been, for the time that we haven't seen each other.

*Sighs* Now i am remembering my high school days and i just can't help but smile once again. Our little group of boys had been doing all sort of things from dancing, singing, partying, swimming and uhh...chasing after girls? >__> well only them, that was not really one of my hobbies.

Well, till next time...

Keep the Flames Burning!

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