I managed to do most of my goals at the start of the year and I am happy with what I have done so far. Been pretty busy with my online job and that is good because everyone needs $_$ On the Lighter side of things, i manage to memorize Hiragana and Katakana *Congratulates Myself*. The thing is, i still need to use it for sentence construction and that is where the hard part goes in.
Self studying may have its merits but it still lacks what they call "Guidance" so to speak. I've been learning Japanese with my own style and so far it has been good. But then again, it is best to have someone that actually knows how to "speak the language" for a more positive approach. I bought a Japanese English dictionary during the weekends and it is the type of dictionary that also have Japanese characters in it. I don't want to tackle Kanji right now because even if i did, it will take me longer than constructing sentences in Japanese.
I think it will take a while because, i still don't know the meaning behind the words even if i manage to read them (reading them in very slow mode @__@ still messing up some of the characters especially the "J" "D" "B" "P" "Z" .
Looks like i still need to take classes for proper speech and that will be....somewhere around...May-July. Hopefully, i will be able to find an easier way to learn the language and I really want to get things rolling so to speak.
No "FINISHED" Anime's had caught my attention so far and i am currently watching the recent anime titles like Star Driver Kagayaki (Galactic Pretty Boy? xD!) , Dragon Crisis (Sweet lil romance), Kore Wa Zombie Desuka (Zombie Mahou Soujo rocks!), Level E (NO effort is to great in seeing others suffer), Gosick (Shinku!! *slap* That is not Rosenmaiden!) and of course To Aru No Majutsu Index (Gotta see that bite every once in a while).
Although Manga reading is still an alternative, i wish that i can find other anime's to watch every now and then. The story that I'm making is now put on hold until i learn the basics of sentence construction in Japanese. Still, the Editing and Remodeling of the Story is still going on "In My Brain" and i had been constantly making a lot of changes here and there. I am now currently at Chapter 20 with 230 pages. Not bad if i do say so myself xD! For now, I'll leave you guys to your workings and hope that everyone of you will have a great week ahead of you.
Till then,
Keep the FLames Burning!
wow great post..
,,this is my first time i visit your site...hope i'll learn much about information on your site..regards
The most interesting part of this post, for me of course, it's th title, sounds very wow to me.
ahaha Domo! =)
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