Before the Love month of February comes to an end, i would like to share to you one of the best anime stories that i have watched so far. It's not surprising if you heard of this title before, but if you don't then take this as a good opportunity to watch it.
The anime that I'm talking about is Higashi no Eden or better known as the "Eden of the East".
Somehow, when i first watched the first few episodes, it reminded me (again) of the Gibli movies that i love watching a few years back. At the same time, i remembered another anime title because of the few similarities that i felt (well they are not really similar, it's just the feeling) and that anime is Honey and Clover. Oh Boy~ that's memory lane for you and these slice of life series can really make an impression on you.
Ok back to Eden of the East, Saki Morimi visited Washington DC to see the Whitehouse up close and personal. She doesn't have any idea that the Whitehouse is not the only thing that she'll be seeing up close and it surprised her a little. A naked man holding a gun was just across the street from her and apparently this guy has no memory whatsoever. The only thing that he has is a mysterious looking cellphone and a gun.The name of the guy is Akira Takizawa.
Now after a few mishaps in a foreign country, the two of them went back to Japan together and that is where the story slowly unfolds. Akira later found out that he is part of the "Selecao" game to pick the one that would make Japan a better place. There are other twelve individuals including him in this game and all of them has a cellphone with the same characteristics (including 10 Billion Yen). Through this phone they are able to contact the operator "Juiz" and give her any kind of orders and it will be done in the manner that it can be accomplished. From assassinations to firing missiles to any part of the world Juiz does them all.
Noblesse Oblige or the so called "Noble Obligation" is the only way a selecao is judged by his deeds. In the case that his or her digital money becomes 0, he is eliminated from the game.
Well, some parts of the story surprised me, especially when you're focused on the story and you thought that everything is pretty normal....until you see a pair of angel wings (OOOOPPPS! damn spoiler! *slap*).
At the end of the 11 episodes, missiles are once again fired at japan and Akira ordered Juiz to intercept them with his own arsenal of military firepower. As missiles meet missles and thanks to a bunch of naked Neets that helped him with the use of the computer software "Eden of the East", he was able to stop the destruction that would have happened if he didn't stop it on time.
Akira thought that the only way to save Japan was to "rule it" and so he made himself king of Japan. But of course, Japan doesn't have any Kings so what did Juiz do? simple, erase his memory and make him the son of the prime minister. Which will be revealed in the next two movies that will complete the series.

Their lovestory? must i call it that? lol...well yeah, their lovestory <3 Saki and Akira find themselves in a complicated relationship against all odds and together will they be able to save Japan and themselves from Human Greed and Ambition?
Mind you, the story is very refreshing and something that you don't see in any of the manga's or anime's that you have watched so far. Eden of the East is composed of 11 episodes and two Movies and their titles are The King of Eden and Paradise Lost respectively.
As February comes to an end, it also means that the beginning of March is just a day away. Fortunately for us, that means another month of hardships, tribulations, success and happiness for all of us. Hope you enjoyed February and may March be a better month for you.
Till next time...
Keep the Flames Burning!