Rising from the Ashes

Hero - Super Cell

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Moving in Mysterious Ways

A day ago, my friends and I met at a mall and hanged out together. Night time fell and it was about time to go home. We rode a taxi and we were relaxing when all of a sudden, my Ate Jen told us that her cellphone was missing. She kept on searching her bag while our friend Kinz started dialing her number. The phone rang a few times but no one was answering.

Jen told us that the phone was on silent mode and we asked the taxi driver to turn around and drop us where  he picked us up. He did and we all raced back to the scene. Kinz and I took the route that we "thought" was the fastest route and left Jen on the spot.

When I arrived at the store, to my great surprise she arrived 10 seconds earlier than me. It was like "WTF?! Did she teleport or what?". When my surprise subsided I went inside and asked the staff for the cellphone. It was a good thing that the one who took her cellphone was one of the staff. If not, then there is almost no chance of recovering it back. We thanked them and talked about the "Impossible" thing that has happen. How did she arrive at the store before us? she said that she crossed the highway to get to the store before us.

Seriously, crossing the highway? that was insane lol! well thankfully, she managed to do it without getting into any accident and all of us were laughing while the rain poured on all three of us. We were soaked but still, we were happy that things turned out well. On our way home, i realized that sometimes people are able to do the things that they don't usually do during an emergency. Well, Jen did prove something last night. When something important is lost to you, you are willing to do anything to get it back.

Another chapter was over, another escapade has been told....rest assured, there are lots left untold.
I will tell you to be patient, for I will tell you with patience...The tales on which I only know =)

Till next time...

Keep the Flames Burning!

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