Rising from the Ashes

Hero - Super Cell

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Recovered at Last!

I was able to recover from my dilemma and No, it was not Dengue (Thankfully). The past week has been spent, taking down some antibiotics and anti acidity medicines. My tummy has been quite active for a while making sounds and protesting every time i miss my medicine ( O_o frankly that's weird!). Seriously, i need to watch what i eat from now on....i need to or else it will strike back once again.

The thing is, I also had been trying to educate people how to Earn while using their cellphone. It's not easy but HEY! It's their loss not mine. I'm happy with what I am doing right now and things are doing quite well (although life has its ups and downs every now and then). Another thing that i should be thankful for is the rain, it doesn't rain like it used to a few weeks ago and that is a good change (at least for now).

You know the saying that "People Come and Go in your Life" right? We meet people, we lose some, we gain some. The cycle continues over and over again and you'll see that your world will suddenly get bigger. Meeting people from all walks and ways of life can be a very exciting experience. You'll never know what the person standing next to you in the train is like and who knows? he might be there right now, on that day for a reason.

There are no coincidence in this world and we affect the lives of people around us (with or without directly coming in contact with them). That's just how this world works and it's wonderful when two dots connect....

If you know what i mean =)

Till next time...

Keep the Flames Burning!

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