Now where do i begin? Of course, to where it all started.
To you, who had read my blog for this whole year, i am very thankful to you.
I'm sure that you had witnessed the things that had happened to me, during this year and it might have crossed your mind that "This guy is nuts!"
Thank you, that is by far the best compliment that I can get from you.
Now allow me to start this post as i think back to the months that has passed this year.
January has been the start of seemingly unexpected changes and the start of my three year plan to success. It started right, it gave me the time to think of what i want to do for the future and the path that i should take, in order to make it. As i struggled to learn the alphabet of another language, I find out for myself that it was a lot harder than i thought.
February has shown me that those little and simple things in life can make you happy. It taught me that it is OK to dream BIG as long as you have the heart and will to see it through. Valentines day was not very romantic for me T~T BUT! I think that it will be OK....in 2 or more years from now xD! Ok...don't ask, coz i won't tell you.
March March is.... xD! March is the month where i started to have some sleep problems. Yeah~ March...however, i thought that it was not something that i should be concerned about (At that time). Little did i know that this mild sleep order will make things uh.....more "complicated for me".
April I finally got over that "mild sleep order phase" of mine and were able to find something decent to watch. I also thought about a couple of things during this time and re-adjusted my schedule. One major thing that happened during this time was the fire that broke out in our neighborhood and yeah~ i thought that things will get very messy. I'm quite thankful that the fire did not spread too much (well if you call burning down at least 10 houses was not a big deal). I pray that we won't have anything of the sort this year.
May Well May is another troublesome month because this is when i started to feel aches on my fingers. You might be thinking that i am a person that has too many aches in this little body of mine (and i would not deny it). I'm pretty sure that it must have been due to my line of work (which is writing). Typing the keyboard 4-6 hours a day nonstop in order to beat a deadline everyday, is not an easy task mind you. This is where the "What IF's" question popped out and it was something that i was not prepared for.
June Rainy days make me happy for some reason. Like i said, it makes me feel comfortable because it becomes cold and i feel like all my problems are being washed away by the rain. The aches on my fingers resides every now and then, after i apply the so called "heat therapy" to them. This is also the time, when my sister finally entered society and started working. She got a taste of what the "real world" is like and it made her feel that there were a lot of things that she needs to learn. Also, one of my friend underwent operation during this month and I'm glad that the operation was successful. She still can't use her legs at the moment, but she told me just recently that she is getting stronger. I do hope that she will be able to walk again by next year.
July This is where i started having problems with my japanese self study lessons. Understanding and memorizing the hiragana and katakana is one thing. Making a sentence another and i don't even want to bother with KANJI during this time. The aches are getting worse during this time and that is when i started to panic a little. It made me edgy which stressed me out to the point that things started to waver and my resolution was being put to the test.
August is a special month because...it is the month when i was born (Obviously). Being born under the Year of the Rat and being a Leo at the same time is one of the things that i am very thankful for in life. Do i believe horoscopes? Sometimes. Do I think they are worth reading? Sometimes. Do I think that Horoscopes influences our lives? No. There is a big difference between living your life the way you want to and living your life based on something like a star sign. True, I think that knowing these things can have an impact on you, but you should never let them take control over you.
September Someone pressed the wrong button and turned off my Sleep MODE feature. For that, i will kill, gut the living hell and annihilate that freaking bastard whoever he is (haha don't mind this very very very frustrated rant of mine about this month). Well, humans learn to adapt and we are very good in adapting. If we find a problem, we can either ignore it or solve it. In my case, i tried to solve it. In the end, i chose to ignore it. And you know what? Ignoring it worked (Take note: My Issues are different from yours. In your case, don't ignore the problem ok? :D ). Well, this is where my battle with my problem began. It was a wake, sleep, wake, wake, sleep kind of battle and i think i was able to hold my ground pretty well.
October After trying to reset my sleep wake pattern for a week, i found some positive results. I tend to get 2 days without sleep and a day with at least 4 hours of sleep. Yeah~ my sleep disorder messed up my schedule pretty bad. Sending me to the hospital twice, not being able to work, frustration kicked in and POOF! you get one hell of a hard time in everything that you do. Still, i am not the type of person who does not stand up after my fall and i try to be as optimistic as i can be. You may already know that i am a person who is blessed by the power of "The Blessing in Disguise". I believe that if something like this is making everything hard for me now, then things will get easier in the future. Call it Karma and the likes, it always worked out for me. When something bad happens to me, something better will fall in place. It has never missed once, and i pray (with all my heart) that it will show something great very soon.
November As i slowly get over my sleep wake problem dillema. I am now well versed in hiragana and katana. I can read them without too much effort and i even tried to read untranslated or RAW manga's from an online site. Well, of course if i stumble upon a KANJI then i would be like...Damn..there's no Kana i can't effing read this word!! Well, you know what i mean if you are studying Japanese. I also experienced difficulty in breathing during this month because of the lack of sleep. It's really vexing to be gasping for air because you failed to catch a good night's sleep. Oh well, i got over it after a few days and seriously, I am trying different methods on how i will trick myself in falling asleep every single day. It can be quite challenging at times, but the reward is worth it. Even 2-3 hours of sleep is considered a blessing in my case.
December The only thing worth mentioning about this month is that i pigged out on every occasion that i can get. Seriously, eating on "EAT ALL YOU CAN's" can be a stress reliever. Talking with friends while waiting for the food to be cooked (HOT POT STYLE) can really get you into the right mood. Tonight, as i am typing this post of mine. Fireworks are flying in the sky. Even if it's still not midnight, things can get pretty noisy here and I'm sure that it is going to be a long night. Make that a very long night of eating, partying, drinking until the sun rises.

January 1 of 2012! Year of the Black Water Dragon! I welcome you and pray that this year...this year will hold great promise for me and everything that I am working so hard to attain.
I hope that you guys had a great year and never forget!
Keep the Flames Burning!!
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