There were times when i have difficulty in breathing, but this happens for only a brief period of time. It was my first time to experience shortness of breath for 2 consecutive days (every sec of every minute). My breathing has been quite heavy during those two days and it gave me enough reason once again to see the doctor.
After running some tests, he asked me to take the ECG test(electrocardiogram). He said that my lungs and heart seems normal and he added that i might have over-exerted myself in doing something. Well, it did happen 2 hours after i did the laundry last week and i was gasping for air before i knew it.
He said that all i need to get is some rest (which is, as you know almost an impossibility in my condition). I just sucked it up and went home feeling a little better knowing that it wasn't due to my heart nor lungs. Yeah, i know that it is just connected to my sleep/wake problem.
Well anyways, since the problem has been diagnosed and i am back to ZERO, when it comes to having a good nights rest.
Well, my rant ends here and i will now talk about the Ongoing anime series which is Fate Zero.
As you may already be aware of, Fate Zero is the PREQUEL of Fate Stay Night. A battle between Masters and their Servants for the Holy Grail (which can grant you any wish you desire).
Saber also known as Arturia (King Arthur) is the legendary King of Knights and is considered as the strongest servant in the story. Of course we have 3 kings on Fate Zero and that is Gilgamesh (King of Kings) and Alexander (King of Conquerors). Now, i do have my favorite servants in the story and that is the Berserker Class and the Rider Class (which is Alexander).
The Berserker Class is so freaking awesome! Oh btw, this part was played by Hercules on Fate Stay Night and right now, i don't have any idea about the identity of the Berserker Class in Fate Zero. The Rider Class in Fate Stay Night wasn't anything special, actually you can say that she wasn't given any justice in the story.
However, that all changed in Fate Zero on which the Rider class plays a very funny and important role. Whenever i see this muscle guy and his antics (especially the last episode, on which he bought something online) i really laughed at that notion.
Anyways, the story is progressing quite smoothly and I am waiting in anticipation for the next episode. For me, Fate Zero is one of the best addition in the anime's that is currently aired this season.

Well, i like fantasy stories and perhaps when i am able to accomplish the things that i need to do. Who knows, i might be watching my own story being animated in 2-4 years from now xD!
Well anyways, i can dream can't I?
Till Next time!
Keep The FLames Burning!
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