I had completely gotten used to my sleep/wake routine and everything seems to be fine as of late. With that out of the picture, i just quietly sat back and thought about the things that i had done in the past. As you may already know, at the start of this year i shared with you some of the things that i wanted to do in the future.
The one thing that kept me motivated is the phrase "If it is worth having, it's not going to be easy". Yeah, all of us have things that we wanted to do. Some of us have it hard, and some find it easy. Although those that didn't have a hard time in getting what they want, feel sort of "anti-climactic".
It's not that hard to imagine and most people would say "Sheesh, it was easier than i thought". Oh yeah~ learning another language and doing the things that you wanted to do is not a walk in the park. In fact, if you are really interested in learning something, you need to have the attitude to make it work.
I'll be honest, sometimes my laziness gets in the way of things. The "I'll do it later", "I'll do it tomorrow" kind of thing. This is the one attitude that i would really really really really....(you get the picture right?) really...want to get rid off.
Well, even so I'm fairly satisfied on what i had done so far. Another issue that i would like to share is reaching my goal, without stepping on other people. Everyone wants to live peacefully. Nobody wants to have enemies. But, life is a journey that is full of ups and downs. Danger and anxiety always lurks around the corner of our lives. Last week, i did something unthinkable.
I forgave someone (in my heart) whom i really hated for a very long time now. There were even times when i told myself that "Even if God forgives him, I won't forgive him". Meh~~ i guess i just want to move forward with my life without the ache that is constantly eating out my heart. I'll just put that episode behind and will not look back.
This year I swear to myself that i will accomplish what i had started. Hopefully, no more obstacles and heartaches will be strong enough to make me waver. A few years from now, i want to look back at all the posts that i made in this blog and put a smile in my face.
I'll be able to trace the hardships that i had been through and tell myself "You did great! I'm very proud of you!"

Well, future me...i hope you remember this post well! You were here once! and never forget everything that you have done to reach this point! Lastly, don't wipe that silly grin on your face.
Till next time...
Keep the Flames Burning!!
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