In the modern world (our modern world), there are people that have a hard time in finding a job after they finish their studies. In some countries, particularly Japan...these people are called NEET's (Not in Employment Education or Training).
They are branded as the so called, rejects of society and these people often lose sight of their future and just "goes wit the flow" of things. It's sad but, it doesn't just happen in Japan but all over the world.
Now, the review that i am going to share with you is a group of NEET's, that is doing something to make their city a better place to live in.
And of course, since this week's title is "It's a NEET thing to do" then, most of you has an idea on what anime title we will be featuring this week. You're right, it is non other than "
Kamisama no Memochou", which also means God's Notebook.
Narumi Fujishima is a highschool student that doesn't want to stand out in class. The reason is because, he doesn't want to be associated with anyone. He thinks that knowing people would just get in the way, if their family decides to move away once again.
His so called "peaceful days" became extinct when a girl named
Shinozaki, Ayaka decided to make him a gardening club member. Well Narumi's luck really ran out when she met the girl named "
Alice which is a self proclaimed NEET Detective that solves crimes from the comforts of her own room (completely packed with stuff toys and state of the art computer softwares/hardwares). Narumi easily became her Dokupe opener (it is a drink that Alice loves) and part time assistant, when things get out of hand. Together with a group of "Elite NEETS" like the Fourth (Yakuza head), The General (Weapon, Gears Specialist), The Gambler (Mellee combat specialist) and the Playboy (Women Specialist...duh).
The story has somewhat a serious~ funny~ and hmmm....whats the word..."unpredictable" atmosphere that makes you want to crave for more. Kamisama Memochou is something that is worthwhile to watch, when you are looking for something cute, something modern and something realistic all in one package.
And yeah~ if you're still worried about my "Not sleeping habits" then, thank you for your concern. I'm doing well despite that fact and I'm sure that i'll continue to be well.
The Rain is coming really hard this month and somehow, it feels like more will come before the Christmas season.
Don't forget to bring your umbrella if you think that it will rain and don't forget...
Keep the Flames Burning!