I didn't know what happened, but it came and made a mess of my schedule and my life. Since August 3 I haven't had the luxury to sleep. Yes, it suddenly happened and left me with questions like "What, Why and When?", which i have no idea how to answer.
There were times when its hard to fall asleep, but even then i can still manage an hour or two of snooze to make me feel better. But now, i had none. The first 6 days was torture, pure hell if you would describe it. Not a minute of sleep, i just lie in my bed and wished that sleep will have mercy on me and give me the rest that i deserve.
Everyday without sleep left me gasping for breath. My head aches, my breathing is heavy, my body aches and most of all, the frustration was piling up. The clinic which i visited during those 6 days weren't able to help me. As a last resort, i begged the doctor to give me a shot of Diphenhydramine.
It was a scary experience. I thought that it will work instantly, but it started slow and made my senses numb. It was really scary...it makes you think that you would not wake up again if you manage to lose your consciousness. I managed to fight it off because my heartbeat suddenly picked up its pace. Then the fatigue finally caught up to me and i fell asleep at around 3am up to at least 7 in the morning.
After i woke up, i feel refreshed and thought that everything will return back to normal. I was gravely mistaken and my exodus continued.
On the 9th night...i reached my limit and was taken immediately to the hospital. On the way there, i was literally gasping for breath and trying my best to stay conscious. It made me think that "This is finally it" the day on which i might forever leave this world behind.
My breathing slowly returned to normal as i was attended by the nurses at the hospital. I was given a prescription and some pain relievers and sent home after i recovered.
After all that drama, i managed to get at least 5-6 hours of sleep thanks to the medicine that my doctor gave me. The Antihistamine drug that was prescribed to me was quite something. After that ordeal until now, i haven't got a wink of sleep once again.
Seriously, I envy those people who doesn't have a problem in getting to sleep whenever they want to. I was just like them, a few weeks ago. I felt like the sleep button on my head has been turned off. Its like a program that has been written and cannot be over-ruled.
Now, I feel very fatigued and very very dizzy. Still, even if i lay down on the bed, relax myself and do the things that are supposed to make me sleep...it's all useless.
How i wish that i can turn back time and go back to those days, when sleep was never an issue. I'm not sure how long i will be able to hold on, but until then i will do everything to put this problem behind me.
I would really like to write this one on my resume of life and talk to those who suffered the same problems that i did. I would tell them the things that i did to overcome that obstacle and make them feel a little better. But, i can't do that right now. I wish that someone will tell me what to do, because I'm really desperate at the moment.
I hope you guys won't get this very problematic problem. Not getting any sleep...sucks and i do not recommend these sensations that I'm feeling at the moment.
SLeep well everyone and till then...
Keep the Flames Burning!
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