As the holy week draws near, i find myself well....lost in remembering what day it already is. I was surprised when i found out that it was already thursday and i was enjoying my chicken adobo (yeah~ it was a little late for that, it's not good to eat meat during this time of the year). I guess... this is just one of the drawbacks, when you're always inside the house and watching the days pass by.
Now back to anime reviews =)
One of the anime series that i enjoyed the most is StarDriver Kagayaki. I've always been a fan of Robotic Anime's (Gundam's, Lelouch of the Rebellion, etc) and seeing this series gave me a refreshing feeling. Takuto Tsunashi (Mr. Galactic Pretty Boy) was....a happy go lucky guy that somehow...decided to swim all the way to the island that he is going to live in (Talk about weird). He was found lying in the beach by Wako Agemaki (AKA South Maiden)and Shugata Shindo (AKA Mr. Silent Cool Guy...No, i mean Emperor Sugata). These two manage to revive Takuto and the three of them, started to become good friends.

One of the things that you will notice in the series is each maiden's personalized song. Yeah~ all of them have different versions and the way they sing them are pretty cute as well.
Takuto's most favorite phrase is "It's a Pinch!" which he always says, whenever he is in a difficult situation. You might get the impression that he likes to take chances, but that is not really the case. I'm sure that she likes Wako and Sugata seems to give him his approval (Despite the fact that Wako and Sugata are engaged to each other).
Takuto has the power to summon Tauburn, a powerful cybody that helps him protect Wako from the Glittering Crux, an organization that is determined to break all the seals in "Zero Time".
Zero time is the place on where the Cybody battles takes place and when it is activated, time stops momentarily and only those that have the marks and members of the Glittering Crux, were able to see the battles that will decide the fate of the world.
One by one, the seals of the maidens had been broken and the only one that is left is the seal of the South. The final battle took place with Takuto's father getting hold of Samekh (The King of Cybodies which is piloted by Sugata). Breaking all the maiden seals will allow Samekh to leave Zero time and go into the real world. Unfortunately, Takuto's father wanted to use Samekh's power to travel back in time....to relive his past and take back all that he has lost.
Sugata joined the Glittering Crux because he wanted to seal Samekh at the cost of his life. Takuto and Wako saved him by breaking the last seal and fighting Samekh before he drains the energy of the world.
Hmmm the ending was....nice, although i would like to know what happened between the relationship of the three, after the last battle in zero time.
Oh well~ that is all for this week's review and hopefully, you will also find this anime series worth your while.
Have a great week everyone.
Till next time...
Keep the Flames Burning!
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