I've finished reading the Japanese book that i have and i'm not satisfied with what i had gained so far. Even if someone is teaching me Japanese every Saturday (Arigato Sensei xD!). To be honest, my katakana still sucks at times and i always wonder if i'm saying it right. The thing is, i'm confident about reading Hiragana now and that is something that i could congratulate myself with. My plan is to wrap Hiragana and Katakana this month and finally settle things with sentence construction and learn a few Kanji's by next month. Time sure flies and i feel that I am running behind schedule.
The story that i have written is still on hold, but the chapters that will follow the last is all lined up (in my brain). That much is true and i'm happy that i can easily type it when i finally finish learning on how to read Japanese (read only, but i still don't understand some of the words) without looking at my notes or my Japanese dictionary.
Writing has always been fun and i hope that i can continue to write for a long time. Since my brain can be too hyper at times, i don't get the sleep that i need everyday. It's more like, i just lie down and wait for morning to come. My body is rested but my mind is exhausted. My mom thinks that i sleep a lot already, because after doing my online job (which is 2-4 hours everyday) i sleep during the afternoons and wake up to have dinner, then sleep again. Yeah~ i live a very "happy go lucky life" if i have to say so myself =P
There was a phrase that i happened to come by a few months ago and that is the saying "Don't take life seriously, you'll never get out alive anyway" well that was originally from Van Wilder (i think, i just revised it a little).
I just found out today when i searched again for that phrase that there are more quotes from Van Wilder and it is quite funny as well, well a little perverted at times but it's funny that much is true. Another worthwhile quote that i can share with you guys that came from him is "Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere".
Everyone worries about something and the thing is, what are you going to do about it? If you don't take action then your problems will not be solved and your worrying will never cease. That is what i plan to do at the moment and although i can't honestly say that i will stop worrying (because i wont), at least i'll do something about it.
Now what else? not much, no anime reviews for this week because i haven't found a decent thing to watch. If this continues, then I'll tell you all the anime's that have became my favorites in the past and I'm sure that you'll be seeing memory lane once again (that is if you like watching anime).
Till then, i bid you guys a great week and pray that you are living happy and fruitful lives.
Until then, Keep the Flames Burning!
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