For the past week, i had been constantly reading the latest updates on what is happening in Japan and i feel like it is something that has gone out of control. Although honestly, i'll admit that at first i didn't think that it wasn't "that serious". Why did i think of that? Basically, Japan is a country built for earthquakes and it wouldn't be an exaggeration if i say that earthquakes has been a "norm" for them for years.
However,After watching the videos and seeing pictures of the devastation...it made me realize that even a country such as Japan can have "serious problems" if they are sandwiched by things that go beyond their control. First the earthquake, that alone is not a big deal...the big deal is what came after the quake and that is the Tsunami. Like i previously stated, Japan is more than prepared for an earthquake (and even tsunami, in their own way), But the waves that hit their shores were more than what they had expected. It swept away towns, erased villages from the face of the country and leaving destruction and death in its wake. Then we have the nuclear crisis to wrap it all up and what do we have? A Shawarma of Epic Proportions (sorry for the metaphor i used).
It makes people think that they are lucky, for living their lives everyday (no matter how boring it is). We don't really see how important things are, until they are gone. It's all about "
Human Nature". There is nothing we can do about it, because it is a fact no matter how hard we deny it.
I'm a little ashamed myself because when the earthquake happened, the "first thing" that I thought was the Manga and Anime weekly Updates. Yes, it was petty and i admit that. Still, i believe that Japan will be able to bounce back from its losses and although lives cannot be replaced, a country will always find ways to rebuild. Not for the dead, but for those that are left behind.
Now Back to Anime Reviews...
I'm very happy to have found something very fun to watch for the past few days and i would like to share it to you. The anime that i will give a review this week is
"KanaMemo"This light comedy and slice of life anime has everything that you'll need (if you're the one who appreciates good things to watch). Yes, it has sugar, spice and everything nice...and that also includes anything in between. (--,) trust me you'll like this one for sure.

This is a story about a girl named
Kana Nakamachi, she has lost her only living relative (her grandma) and she left her home in search of a new place to stay. She tried to find work at any place that offers food and boarding. Then she was involved in a "bike accident" and was brought to the place on where she will experience a lot of "firsts" in her life. She is a shy, soft spoken girl that has a tendency to get "spooked" easily. She would readily believe that ghosts and aliens exist and has her own cute way of showing her affection to other people.
Living alongside with her in the Newspaper office is a group of girls that have varying characteristics and personality.
Saki Amano called chief by everyone in the office (despite her age). She's a very strong willed person and i guess, the only one that has "common sense" among the group. She often gets mad when the work that needs to be done is not being properly done. Still, she's a very kind girl that prioritize business more than anything else (well aside from those things that are more important to her, like the girls living with her). She keeps everyone in line especially Haruka, whenever she tries to sexually harass Kana.
Haruka Nishida What can i say about this woman? A lot of things...she is an "ultra super mega loli pervert". Has a weakness for cute little girls and her imagination knows no bounds. Likes to think of "perverted things" and often finds time to grope a few girls every now and then (especially the Chief, Mikan and Kana). But when push comes to shove, she gives her best to give advice and offers a more adult like point of view (Only for a few seconds). Likes to drink the booze that she probably makes by herself and gives the story, the Girl action that it needs.
Yume Kitaoka Another strange addition to the girls that lives with Kana. The truth is, she is a really richh person and i think i find it hard to believe that she works on a newspaper office to deliver papers everyday. Well duh...you know what i mean. She likes sweet things and likes to add sweet things (EG: SUGAR) to almost anything. She shares a unique relationship with Yuki (Yuriness is it familiar to you? xD). Yes, kissing and the likes and they are really close to each other. Gives the group the jolt it needs from time to time and a very happy go lucky person at heart.
Yuki Minami is a very tall girl that has only Yume on her mind and gets jealous, whenever her attention goes to someone else. Even if she doesn't talk much, this girl speaks out what she has in mind and helps Kana from time to time. Prefers to stay as close to Yume as possible and i think in a girl to girl relationship, she is the "Girl" and that is how many percieve her as well (my opinion only).
Hinata Azuma Another one with some sense in the group (from time to time) and also one of Kana's closest companions. She likes money and is doing her best (Well...best in her own way i think) to pass the exams needed to enter college. She already failed twice...(or was it thrice? O_o) and is trying her best to get it right this time. Occassionally stops Haruka from harassing Kana (like Chief does) and makes Kana feel better whenever she feels down.
Mikan Kujin Tsundere character....you got to have at least one in your story *cough*. This hmmm...."Lady" (She gives off the vibes that makes you believe that she is from a very rich family) is not very honest with herself and can be considered as Kana's Best friend in the story. They met during a rainy encounter and got along well after a few mishaps on the way. She is also from a rival newspaper agency, but that doesn't stop her from befriending Kana and getting along with everyone even with Saki (Assistant chief of the Newspaper Agency that Kana works in).
This story really is something worth watching and it can definitely give you that smile that you are craving for. I highly recommend it to anyone that wants to bring a smile in their face and make their day right.
I'm still having problems in getting some sleep at night and i think it's only getting worse. My mind is really exhausted and whenever i get out of bed every morning, i feel really tired rather than refreshed. The two "extra soft" pillow that i bought to help me get some sleep didn't work and i think i have to knock myself unconscious to get the sleep that i badly need. I don't really want to resort to sleeping pills and i will only do it as a last resort. Maybe I'll just buy some vodka and mix it with something else. I'll drink it every night if i have to and that is how bad i really wanted to get some sleep lately.
Getting a hyperactive mind can have it's disadvantages and i think it is starting to affect my work. Sleeping pills is still an option...but i'd rather not use them if given the choice. Today I'm suffering from a migraine and it is taking its toll on me....
Have a Great week everyone and i hope that you're getting the sleep that you rightfully deserve.
Till next time...
Keep the Flames Burning!