I had been watching anime's for as long as i can remember. I just started reading manga for the past 3 years. I had been to anime cosplays (no i didn't join them) and watched as certain bands play anime songs. Probably one of the most common and simplest dreams of all will be to visit Japan (of course). But me, personally i want to at least experience an Anime Concert. I happen to watch one of those in youtube, one of my most favorite songs Happy Material from Mahou Sensei Negima. Don't ask me what kind of anime it is.
It's sad to say i didn't see any K-ON Live Concerts on Animelo (since it just recently started). I hope i would be able to see and feel this type of concert with my own eyes. I guess i better start saving money and go to their anime convention next year. A pilgrimage of shorts (babaw noh?), I'm sure you would understand if you are an anime fan. There is nothing special about it, just something you want to do in a whim.
As for now what else? I'm thinking of doing a lot of things, but i don't know where to start. One of my Agenda's is to pig out on different food chains, outlets this year. Ohohohoho~ I just want to have a taste of everything (since I'm a lover of good food). Well it's almost my birthday and i feel like I'm getting old (I just feel, i refuse to acknowledge that fact! at least not yet ^3^). I'm probably going to bake another cake (which i'm sure will be somewhere between brownies and pudding). Pizza's actually are easier to make. You just pound them into submission xD!
Halfway through the year and its Christmas again, times flies so i guess we should make the best of Life. You'll never know when were going to leave this world and i don't want to have any regrets.
Oh yeah~ i plan to buy a lot of fantasy books as well. I'm running out of ideas in my line of work. I applied as an article writer and everyday has been hell. No, to make it simple everyday is a deadline. Work for the day must be finished in 5-6 hours so that everyone will be happy.
Like my boss said
"Don't believe of everything you hear at making "Easy" Money Online. It requires hard work, persistence and dedication. The rest is just Luck or Bull$hit!"
Well, i have to agree. It might seem easy, but it is a lot harder than you think it is. But still, i get to earn money while i'm at home so its pretty convenient.
Anyways, for the time being i bid you a good week and hope to see rainy days ahead.
"Keep the Flames Burning"
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