Not Mangga/Manga (Pinoy word for Mango ~_~), but Manga (A japanese term that means "comic").
There are generally 2 types of Manga, Shoujo and Shounen.
Shoujo targets girl readers while Shounen targets male readers. Basically Shoujo focuses on romance and other things that is often called mushy ( >_> i like mushy stuff too...), Shounen are more on action or fighting ontheir storyline (Pif typical for guys xD! Mga pare, ok lng ba kayo dyan? :3 ). Knowing all this i still get confused on the types of Manga that i usually read. I started to read manga about hmmm...8-9 Months ago, since then i can't stop :3
I really got hooked, Manga titles? hmmm Naruto, Happy WOrld, Ouran High,Fairy Tail, Mahoraba,Watashi no Messiah Sama,Prince of Tennis, Mahou Sensei Negima (:3 what are u looking at?), The World GOd Only Knows, Mx0 (My all time fave) and a lot more~ a whole lot more.
I also read a lot of books (not manga) novels and the usual stories at least once a week. I make it a point to buy 1 book a week. Mystery, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance? (not my cup of tea) >_>, horror? (i lost track of counting all the dissapointing books out there that are called horror stories. >_< i have not read a book that even comes close to scaring me).
I finished this book a few days ago "Kushiel's Dart" and it has a sequel :3 "Kushiel's Chosen" which i will get sometime on September (Ipon muna unti xD!). I really enjoy reading, may it be books or manga ( Fu fu fu fu) So going back, Manga is one of my fave past time when i finish reading a book. My favorite manga site is www.onemanga.com
Before, i was even sarcastic about reading it, i started reading it from left to right (like comics, or the way usual people do). However, more often than not (as in always) you have to read it from right to left ( <----You start on the right then go left. ) You'll get used to it in time ~_~" because if you insist on reading it from left to right well then....(lolz Goodluck).
Indeed, to me it proved to be quite entertaining and its become a habit to read manga whenever i have free time. Sure, i still watch anime every now and then (Especially the Anime's that i read on Manga). But since im a bookworm :3 i prefer reading than watching. To those that haven't tried to read manga in their whole lives...i suggest you try it :3 Maybe, just maybe...You'll find a good story that will make you smile,fall in love, cry, or even get irritated.
Sharing my thoughts, from me to you :3
Have a great week everyone ^_^
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