Ok, i have finally found a solution to my problem. The solution that i did to solve my problem was to "just ignore the problem". What? I'm not making any sense? Ok...i'll break it down to you guys =)
My Sleep problem has given me a lot of hardships in this past month and i believe that some of you had witnessed (eerrr read) my whining here in my blog. Like i said, i tried almost everything to cure it but to no avail. Even my second reflexology session seemed to have no effect at all. So what i did was, i ignored the problem all together ^__^
I just lay down at night, close my eyes and don't bother whether i sleep or not. Is it effective? yeah it is very effective :3 i get out of bed in the morning not feeling refreshed or anything. I go around doing the things that i usually do and surprisingly, i think my body adapted to my new daily errr...nightly routine.
Health concerns aside, i don't think that there is anything that i can do at the moment. The reflexology session paid off big time and my breathing and seemingly "blocked blood vessels" has been officially opened. Even though i don't get any sleep, i don't have any difficulty in breathing (which is a good thing).
Now, I resumed my Japanese self study lessons and i am trying to stick to my schedule (which had been messed by 1 1/2 months). Still, i believe that i made good progress in the few days that passed. The only thing that i need to do right now is to widen my Japanese Vocabulary. Yes, i can now read katakana and hiragana properly....(No don't ask me about kanji. I plan to do it after i mastered sentence construction and proper speech in Japanese).
Well, I'm also happy that i was able to resume going back to my online job. I had been a lazy bum for 2 months now and I'm glad that my boss is very generous and forgiving (thx ate ^_~ ). This past week has been busy and i think that even though i still can't get my well deserved sleep, that won't stop me from moving forward.
I'm not saying that i am used to not sleeping now. I'm saying that, this is the most that i can do for the moment. I don't think my sleeping habits have left me all together. I know that I just need to slowly trigger it from time to time and pray that everything will work out in the end.
Well =) i hope you guys have a great weekend and lastly, i will resume my anime reviews next week. Sorry for boring you guys with my whining and such... (But, Hey this is my Blog right?!?!).
Till Next Time!!
Keep The Flames Burning!!