I never knew that finding good anime's takes a lot of time and effort. I've watched a couple of anime's over the past few days and i found only two that stand out. One of them is the anime entitled "Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou". It is the story about a boy who can see spirits and demons.

Natsume recieved a book called the "Book of Friends". It is a book that contains the names of spirits that his grandma "Reiko" has forced into servitude. Well forced is too strong a word, it's more like spirits that Reiko encountered when she was still alive. A lot of spirits are after the book and some of them are bad spirits that like to cause harm to humans and other spirits as well.
Natsume has a bodyguard that he calls "Nyanko Sensei", a cat (Personally, i like to call him Cat Pig)that is also a powerful ayakashi. He kept on saying that he wants Natsume to die, so that he can steal the Book of Friends. He's not really a good liar and i think he really cares about Natsume.
I experienced something interesting while watching this Anime. This anime can only be viewed in Megavideo and if you don't have any Megavideo accounts,then you will have to wait for an hour after watching 3 episodes. I encountered mysterious episodes while changing my browser. I use googlechrome when i browse the internet and this is the same browser i use when i watch anime series. Episode 7 requires you to use "Firefox Browser" if you're using googlechrome and watching from Animeseason. We tried watching it on googlechrome and we got 2 episodes that didn't continue the story of episode 6. Episode 7 was about a Fox Spirit that got attached to Natsume and visited him in his hometown. Episode 8 is about a FireFly spirit that is taking care of a painting. If you use Firefox browser, the story is continued to episode 7 with the evil spirit that is after Taki "A friend of Natsume's".
After finishing the series, I tried to look for the other 2 episodes but i haven't seen them ever since. O_o it was like, wow that was pretty mysterious. Anyways, you should try it as well. It was a very good series and the subtle and interesting plot will definitely captivate you into finishing it till the end.
Now the next anime that I'm about to tell you is the "Bakemonogatari" (Ghost Story) Anime.
I don't recommend this to people that doesn't have enough "patience and understanding". The story is a little complicated and the style makes it even more confusing. Overall I rate it as "Interesting" to say the least. I fell in love with the Ending song of the series which is "Kimi no Shira nai Monogatari" or "The Story you don't Know".

The story is about a Boy name Koyomi Araragi (Araragi) that is 1/10th vampire. He gets involved in different situations on which "abborations or apparitions" tend to attach themselves to cute girls. Yeah~ the first episode may in fact be the deciding factor whether someone will watch this series until the very end.
It focuses on the story of 5 girls that have these "Other wordly problems". Araragi seeks the help of "Meme Oshino" a man of middle aged years that have a mysterious background and takes care of "Shinobu Oshino" a cute little blond vampire (reminds me of Sue of Genshiken. She cosplays her on Genshiken 57). The first girl Hitagi Senjōgahara has been associated with the "Crab Spirit". Her problem is that she only weighs 5kg. Her burdens were taken away by the spirit and Araragi helps her to recover that burden. They became lovers (very very complicated and serious relationship, if i say so myself) and not an ordinary one at that.
The second girl is Mayoi Hachikuji, an earthbound spirit that people that doesn't want to go home encounters. She became good friends with Araragi and the only girl in the series that likes to mispronounce his name. She always says that she "stutters" whenever she says her name, but it is always on purpose.
The third is Suruga Kanbaru, the one that holds the so called "Monkeys Paw" but is later explained that it is a different kind of demon. She is a very athletic girl that likes Senjogahara (Araragi's Girlfriend). She claims that she is a lesbian and did everything to kill Araragi because of jealousy. Well she knocked him pretty good and was only saved by Senjogahara in the end.
The fourth is Nadeko Sengoku, among all the girls i really like her personalized opening song "renai circulation" (God she's cute xD)and she is quite cute as well (I just said that she's cute, sorry for repeating it again xD!). Her story is about a curse that is given to her while she was still young. The snake spirit is coiled around her body and it threatens her life. She tried to undo the curse by killing a lot of snakes and doing a ceremony in the temple dedicated for snakes. However the curse was not lifted and Araragi came to the rescue once again. Btw, Sengoku is a friend of her sister and calls him "Koyomi Oniichan".
The last is Tsubasa Hanekawa, this is Araragi's close friend and adviser. She is possessed by the Cat spirit that helps her relieve her stress by attacking anyone that happens to be on her path. She has the unique ability Energy Drain and sucks up the victims energy. Hanekawa's episode was also linked to the dissapearance of Shinobu (The vampire who sucks Arragi's blood from time to time). It seems that Hanekawa was in love with Araragi but doesn't want to tell him anything which led to the buildup of stress and caused the cat spirit to take form.
If you're going to watch Bakemonogatari, you must have a lot of patience. It's not your typical "watch and see" anime series. You just have to stick with it till the very end and be your own judge whether it's good or bad.
Changed the songs to Full anime songs because of my mood =P