I am looking for new anime's and manga's to watch and read, when i happen to see the Manga (soon to be aired as anime) Gosick.Imagine seeing a very cute girl, small, elegant and looks like a doll from every angle...the thing is, she smokes on a pipe :O (Bad gurl =( ).
Yeah~ Gosick is about the story of a little sherlock homes that has the power to tap into the "Fountain of Knowledge". I get the feeling that she has the power to look back at the past (my opinion only). She uses her amazing deduction by patching up evidences, clues, and memories that helps in solving the case. She goes by the name Victorique de Blois "Victorica/Victorique") (wew classy >_>) and the guy who happens to have all the misgivings in a foreign country Kazuya Kujo (a japanese boy studying in a foreign country).
At first i thought that the story was cute, but then again "cuteness" is the main theme of the story. There were rumors that there is a fairy hiding on top of the library (Victorica) that helps solve cases in return for your soul. But, she will also settle for foreign snacks (cookies, cakes etc).
I can't help but remember an anime/manga that has the same sense as Gosick and that would be RosenMaiden.
RozenMaiden is a story about dolls made by the doll maker Rozen. They are able to move around due to contracts and the power of their Rosa Mystica's. These cute dolls are not just for show, they will battle it out until there is only one of them left and that doll will become the most perfect girl "Alice".

The similarities and style may be the same for the main characters "Victorica and Shinku". Both are so full of themselves and confident in everything that they do.
Gosick is going to be aired on January 2011 (at least, that is what i think). I look forward in watching the series and i hope that it will be interesting and funny as well.