As much as you know i am an anime Fan, just like almost everyone that appreciates anime. K-On! had been one of the anime series that i had been watching for quite some time now, and i was surprised to see a live performance of them. The funny thing about this type of concert is that the "Seiyuu" or voice actors themselves were playing the instruments of their respective character. Everyone knows that they are not experts in wielding this instruments but the effort that they showed is enough for their fans. You can watch the video here K-ON Live Concert Fuwa Fuwa Time!
I really enjoyed it, and i hope that the future Musical themed Anime's will do the same. On different topic, i really enjoyed reading the book about the Earth's Last days. I am currently on Book IV "Soul Harvest" and it is really interesting. I can't consider myself as very religious and the likes, but i do appreciate a good story. The salesgirl told me that this book have 12 series, and i am planning to get them all. the first 4 books that i have is Left Behind, Tribulation Force, Nicolae "The Rise of the Anti Christ", and Soul Harvest. I would like recommend this to anyone that is looking for something nice and interesting to read.
My experiment on food stores and cooking recipe's had been a good one so far. I'm learning a few things here and there and doing it in my own leisure. It may not be perfect at times but still very tasty. I really enjoyed cooking experiments, i put aside baking for now. I still love to bake, but i'm having less time to do it. The usual things come and go and I hope that new things will poke me in due time.
For now that is all i can share to you guys.
Have a great week and Keep the Flames Burning!
"What does Commander Kangaroo has to say?
HEY! Thats Supreme Commander Kangaroo for you Mister!"
lolx~ something from the book about the Earth's last day, totally unexpected and funny when the right mood strikes you.