I had been very, very busy these past 2 months. Trying to adapt to various things could be quite hard (as a matter of fact). I never thought that it would turn out that and this way (not making sense am I?). Well, i guess *sighs* this year is going to be something indeed (You got that right :3 ).
So without further adou~ Finally its the year of the Ox! Another year has come and gone. I wish for new meetings, new trials, new hardships, new lessons, new friends, new enemies, new happiness, new sadness, Good health to my family and friends, success in my undertakings in life, prosperity and stronger bonds with all the people that are important to me, and most of all i wish for the blessing of our Father in heaven, so that i can pull through and meet 2010 with a smile in my face (naks! meh ganon?!).
So the things on my agenda is learning how to speak and write japanese (thanks to my cousin that is torturing *cough* i mean tutoring me :3 lubs u cousin), At least learn a martial art (Wushu~ i want to learn Wushu~ T_T), Play a musical instrument (errr~ i'll get to that hopefully ~_~; ), and last but not the least, try to become a better person ( ;) syempre naman! ) .
I will do my best, "Dareka no Tame ni". I hope that he would be successfull in his business venture. He deserves to be happy, for he is one of those people that are born kind and generous (sa sobrang bait naiinis na ko sa kanya, inaabuso kasi kabaitan!! O,..,O). I hope that he won't be abused to often by those people around him. Its for this person's sake that i want to help, serve and protect his growth. It will be a very hard road and i will try not to add to his burdens. May this year be a prosperous one for him.
Another thing, since im an addict in mythology, fantasy and anything in that genre. On a whim i read a lot about the Chinese Zodiac (rat, ox, tiger, dragon etc) , and our Zodiac (leo, virgo, capricorn etc). Its quite interesting to read those things (at least for me). Being compatible with, Who you're less compatible with and something like that. Its ok to know these things, but i also tell those around me that "You don't need to believe everything". Out of the billions of people born in this world with the same zodiacs, not all of them posess the traits that they are born under. Giving too much attention, and living your life according to your star is just too much and could not be too healthy. Always remember that you are who you are, and live your life according to how you want it to be (at least if thats not possible, then do your best to live!). You are you, because of those people around you and not because of the star or sign that you are born unto. Having said all of those things, i will keep a look out for people under the sign of the horse, for we are not compatible and are said to be natural enemies (lol!).
And lastly let me leave you a poem I wrote not too long ago.
"The answer to Everything"
by: StriderMaster
If there would be a meaning to everything,
then no one would be lost for words.
But you see~
There are things that doesn't mean anything,
but still holds everything.
If i can do something worth anything,
I'll be sure to give my everything.
So don't bother to read and understand everything,
Coz you won't know anything.
Sharing my thoughts to you~ see you again.
Have a great week everyone.