After Level Up LIve 2008, me and some of my friends went to our friend's house and party'd all night. Its nice to have this "get-togethers" every once in a while, seeing new faces, meeting old friends and just practically having a good time. Of course, a party is not complete without videoke (at least our type of party xD!) as usual, i tried my best to sing but ( >_< its crap) i don't have any talent for it. However, it was quite fun to sing as a group. It was crazy, and everyone really enjoyed it (at least our group, the others were just drinking, eating, playing the PS, Wii, Etc etc). O,..,O Well i guess our next EB (EyeBall, meeting) would be sometime around December.
Speaking of December, i could already hear Christmas carols on the radio. Time really does fly by, Next thing you know....its your birthday again =) . Well i decided to practice singing at least once in a while, it doesn't hurt to try ( yeah...my highest score was 72! but seriously i think the mic was busted, everyone gets at least 85+ and im the only one that gets such a low score *sighs* ). Yes, before this month ends im planning to buy Kushiel's Chosen ( I just hope that Powerbooks and National has it already) I've been waiting for a month now. Aside from working on a few stuff/part time and practically going to start working soon, im just enjoying my last few days doing stuff that i haven't done for quite some time (like singing).
Everyone should once in a while take it easy and have fun, all work and no play leaves nothing but a stressed out body. Smile more often too, it helps a lot. If you have a pet, take it for a walk or just cuddle it and pet it all day long o_o" well maybe not all day long, but you get what i mean right?
I just Finished watching all the Pokemon movies and finished reading all the manga's in my list.
Reading Kushiel's series and completing all of them is my next agenda.
Well then, I guess thats it for today. I think i'll try to learn how to swim next :3
Have a great Week guys ;) and don't forget to pay your respects to our deceased relatives.
Remember the times when they were still with us, and cherish them for they can never be replaced.
"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."
Keep the fires burning...